Sharing Our Compliance & Net Zero Experience With The Coop!
27th March 2023
The OMEGA Solutions team were delighted to present a range of topics to the Engineering, Energy, Facilities and Maintenance Teams at the Coop’s head office – 1 Angel Square, Manchester.
After introducing who we are and what we do, James Bailey presented the first of three sessions and introduced the Pressure Equipment Directive. Covering the background and the directives necessity, the presentation also provided practical examples and identified what is required to compile a compliant technical design file.
Newly appointed Technical Director Nabil Cook presented the second session that covered the F-Gas Regulations, focussing on the regulations background & history, success stories, and the need for innovation before finishing on exploring what the revised F-Gas Regulations could look like, and the impact that they will have on end users and refrigeration industry as a whole.
Managing Director Brian Churchyard presented the third and final session on Net Zero. With a wealth of experience on the Net Zero and ESG arena gained in a senior end user role, Brian covered the background & necessity, and what Net Zero is about, then provided practical examples covering multiple building services technologies and wider initiatives.
A big thank you to all of the Coop team for providing us with a fantastic opportunity to share our knowledge and experience!